Browse Nodes and Sales Ranks
The Amazon sales rank shows the selling popularity of a product relative to other products in the same category/sub-category. A product with sales rank #1 is currently the most-purchased product in that category, a product with sales rank #2 is the second most-purchased product in that category, etc.
The following snapshot shows how SalesRank information is displayed on Amazon Website:

- The snapshot above shows sales rank information displayed on Amazon Website for an item. Note that, as SalesRank information is tightly mapped to a category/sub-category, hence the Amazon Website shows SalesRank along with browse nodes.
- The top most line depicting Amazon Best Sellers Rank is called WebsiteSalesRank in Product Advertising API.
- WebsiteSalesRank is the sales rank of the item in the top level or the root browse node.
- All the other browse nodes in the snapshot showcase browse nodes in which the item falls under and their associated sales rank information. For e.g.
in Orphans & Foster Homes.- Each of these browse nodes have rank associated with them. The rank here denotes the selling rank of the item in that particular browse node.
How to get SalesRank information for an Item?
The SalesRank information for any item can be retrieved using the BrowseNodeInfo Resource with any item operation.
- The WebsiteSalesRank of an item can be retrieved using
in the resource parameter of any item operation. See BrowseNodeInfo Resource for more information.- Note that, not all items have top level sales rank information available. Hence, the WebsiteSalesRank information is not present for all items.
- SalesRanks associated with other browse nodes can be retrieved by passing
in the resource parameter of any item operation. See BrowseNodeInfo Resource for more information.- Note that, the number of browse nodes returned for an item are usually greater than the number of browse nodes for which sales rank information is present. This is because, Amazon displays only Highly Relevant Sales Ranks (i.e. top most sales ranks).